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The Magnificence of Fall Nurtures the Mind

October 15, 2012 - Mind Health for Women - , , ,

There truly is beauty and many gifts that invite personal transformation within each season. Fall is no exception. Some would argue that fall offers one of the most pronounced visual displays and the miraculous patterns of adaptation and preservation of life found in nature. It suggests lessons related to planning, detachment, and courage. All of these opportunities for personal growth connect to and enhance the magnificent potential of your mind. When you are mindful of the beauty that surrounds you and the ways in which you are being subtly beckoned to elevate your experiences, the result can only be spectacular. Let’s take a look at how Fall reminds us of our ability to contemplate practices to support the best of us.

Planning: The primary purpose for the changes observed in plant species during fall are instinctive adjustments made for the upcoming cold temperatures. The living organisms know that they must prepare and make modifications to survive. In life, an ability to prime yourself for what lies ahead is indispensable. You can never anticipate all that you will encounter, but magnificent minded mompreneurs with a plan are ensuring that their life flourishes through the many phases – peaks and valleys. It is a perfect time for you to consider upcoming events, circumstances, or transitions.

In fall, the leaves and grass also become mulch that will protect certain trees, plants and flowers from the brisk cold breeze. They return to their connections to the earth from which they originated – each working in spontaneous collaboration with one another. Think about what systems, partners, networks and resources you are connected to. How are you united to the foundation and sustenance of lives? Are you giving from a place inside of you that flows naturally? Have you expressed gratitude to those who nurture your progress?

Detachment: In fall, the trees signal a process that results in the release of once green, lush leaves. They do so with trust in the natural life cycle that brings about the warmer temperatures when they will once again experience growth. To do so, they must detach themselves from what is, in anticipation for what will be. This is a challenge for so many of us. Letting go of the things that we are most familiar with can be downright terrifying. We have to loosen the grip before we can reach for the phenomenon we are meant to discover.

Courage: The leaves during this period stand out and attract considerable attention. I would describe them as bold and vivacious. If you have an appreciation for nature, the stunning palette of multiple colors will amaze you every time. It is not unusual to find a single tree hosting a variety of shades. It’s as though they are commanding our attention. What do you think their message to the world would be? My guess is, “Look at me. I am dynamic and astounding – naturally.” A lesson for all. You don’t need to flaunt yourself using false representations. You just need to be willing to put your unique potential out there in a vibrant, fearless way.

How will you use the rich reminders of fall to boost your magnificent potential? What have you ignored that could expand your capacity to thrive?

Affirmation: There is beauty and abundance that flows through me and provides enrichment to my experience of life.


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