As a woman, you may unwittingly be self-sabotaging, as Dr Milan La Brey points out in her interview for the Powered By Women Summit. From the age you start your formal education, you become geared to doing instead of being; as an adult woman, you may need to be exercising multiple roles and taking on so much that you forget that you are important; and that it’s not realistic to expect to be able to do everything. You lose touch with the essence and the innocence of life. You need to love more and be more. For this reason, you should aim at living an authentic life with passion and purpose; at achieving an alignment of thoughts and actions and living with love. This is how you become truly powerful.
So, according to Dr. Milan, an authentic life comprises 5 pillars:
- love,
- truth,
- peace,
- right conduct, and
- nonviolence.
You should understand that what you say and do reveals a lot about who you are; she says that it is your personal signature. Reflect on how you have been affecting the world so far and what your signature uncovers about you. You may discover that you could work towards developing a more authentic signature. In order to start making this shift, love should become your compass. You can find peace within yourself by loving yourself. This is how you empower yourself. When love is your guiding principle, you discover your truth and live with integrity. This also entails making choices that are good for everybody: your children, your partner, and your community. You respect others as much as yourself. You live from a place of love and honesty and hence exhibit the right conduct.
Nonviolence means being good not only to others, but also to yourself. Do not be afraid to get in touch with your feelings, develop emotions, and express yourself. This is how you can acquire self-worth and emotional intelligence. In order to make a change towards a more fulfilling and authentic life, you also need to reflect on your choices. It is important to establish whether you are in the right job, in the right relationship, and if you are committed to the right purpose.
Furthermore, a practical strategy suggested in this regard is writing a list with 5 things that make you really happy, and then a second list with 5 things you do every day. Many women find that there is complete incongruity between the 2 lists. If you identify such incongruity, you have the power to escape the “hamster wheel” of doing things that don’t bring you joy and choose to realign yourself with love, your purpose, and your personal power. To find out more about what Dr Milan La Brey had to say about this, visit Powered By Women Summit.
Try this exercise and share your experience with it.