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Mind Mastery Starts with These Life Principles – The 10 Truths

September 29, 2012 - Mind Health Success - , , ,

When I talk about mastering the magnificent potential of the mind, people automatically think I am referring to mindset – how you think.  While this is important, the way you think is one part of a mind health way of living.  I thought that sharing these principles from my first book would serve as a guide for the foundation of a “great life”.  When your life is in the continuous flow towards greatness (the highest level of experience), you are inevitably creating the space for the magnificent mind to flourish.  Consider the presence of each of these principles:

  1. Happiness: Your magnificently great life must stem from a place of sincere, complete and deep happiness. Marci Shimoff, in her book, Happy for No Reason, states “… in fact, happiness leads to more success in every area of your life”. She refers to the multitude of benefits that result from being happy from the inside regardless of the circumstances and events within your life. This is a crucial element. Truth: Your story of greatness thrives on happiness and, in turn, contributes to a greater quantity of happiness.  It is key to the personal life “wealth” you experience.
  1. Heart: Your heart is the lifeline for your physical being. When it stops beating, you cease to exist in this world. It is the one location that we associate most with love. Truth: A truly great life story warms, excites and energizes the heart to receive from its surroundings and to give with pleasure. Strengthening your connection to the heart comes by authentically listening and following its gentle whispers.
  1. Honor: The word honor suggests a sense of nobility. When your story consists of honor for yourself, it means that you respect yourself and value your life, but there is also more. To honor yourself is a statement that you are confident of the root of your being, and offer tenderness to yourself. Truth: With honor as part of your greatness story, you know that you have nothing to prove to anyone and that your value is indisputable.
  1. Humble: Allow yourself to be imperfect. It is a trait we all share.  When you realize that there is more to learn, more room to grow and much more opportunities that exist in the world, you can then understand the impact that being humble has on your potential. No great achiever succeeded without the support and guidance of others. Truth: Being humble opens your mind to acknowledge that you don’t have all of the answers, that you may need to alter your course, and that you are no better than others.
  1. Help:   An unhealthy level of pride is a characteristic that prevents many individuals from seeking help. You believe that you “should” be able to do it all. The truth is that we were created as interconnected beings with one another and all that surrounds us. There is a cycle of gifts given quite often on a micro scale that transcends to join the larger spirit of our universe. Truth: It is important to include ample experiences of helping and welcoming help in your great story. For example, If you have been helped through the message, tell others who can be helped as well. It’s a good thing!
  1. Hurdles:  One of fundamental truths for any great story is that your personal best does not come without triumph over hurdles of all kinds. We all have them. The bar that seems to appear in front of you from nowhere. The finish line that seems to move farther each day. The ladder with broken rungs. Truth: Greatness rises above the hurdles, grows in spite of them and ultimately brings out the best in you.
  1. Hug: Just as a mother’s touch calms and comforts, the concept of hugging is one that, by its very nature, triggers positive sensations. Although a hug can be a physical gesture, for the purpose of your great story I want you to think of a hug on a much broader dimension. When you are hugging someone or something, you are also embracing them (with kindness, support, love, passion, …). Truth: It is essential to embrace the various elements and experiences that exist in a physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental state as well. Embrace yourself first. Then embrace all that you come into contact with and that which you contemplate each and every day.
  1. Heights: Aspiring to live your greatest possible life summons new determination and persistence each and every day. It is not enough to ride on the wings of the inspired vision from the days gone by. Truth: Your story will dare you to step higher, farther and wider than the day before.  By expanding your view of possibilities and reconnecting with the drive from within, your story will bring energy and exuberance to the journey. Much like climbing the tallest mountain, at times you may feel intimidated. But the satisfaction and personal rewards that accompany the success of your mission are impossible to capture in mere words. In your great story, you will need to aim at a higher purpose.
  1. Humor: Mahatma Gandhi said “If I had no sense of humor I should long ago have committed suicide.” Humor has been found to strengthen the immune system, improve cardiovascular functioning, counteract low grade depression tendencies, energize, and minimize pain. Is there any question about its indispensable contribution to great lives? The ability to “lighten up” and enjoy life with all its episodes will fortify a resiliency to persevere during difficult times. Truth: Great lives are rich with liberal sources of pleasure and a refreshing disposition that is contagious. 
  1. Hero: When you consider what has historically been the qualities used to describe heroes, what comes to mind are things like courage, goodness, and altruism. Most heroes are also judged by their acts of generosity, sometimes risking their lives in attempts to save another. Truth: In great life stories, you are the hero that is worthy of the highest admiration. Your internal guiding principles, daily habits and dedication to inspiring others will develop as the person that you would have previously only shown appreciation for. Speak of yourself with the highest possible regard and recognize the hero potential in everyone.

Affirmation: I am mindful of the principles that I choose to guide the course of my life. The life I seek begins with the truths that I believe.

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