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Your Expertise Is Valuable

October 14, 2015 - Bold and Brilliant Blog, Woman Entrepreneur - , , ,

Gaining expertise seems to be the order of the day. Various experts who can deliver reliable services or products are in great demand. You can become an expert if you have the strong aspiration to become skilled and knowledgeable in a particular field that excites you. The reality is that you are already an expert in someway you just need to develop your expertise further and believe in your value.

Great Assets

The skills and knowledge you work hard to acquire are great assets, as they can bring essential value to the life of someone else. This realization might stimulate your sense of responsibility and motivate you to perform to the best of your ability in order to offer something precious to another human being. Responsibility means that you consciously choose to use your power to positively influence the life of somebody. Why keep that to yourself?

A Wise Investment

It may have taken you years to acquire the skills and knowledge that make you a professional. When you effect an improvement in somebody’s life thanks to your expertise, you know that the hours spent on training were not a waste of time, but a wise investment. Even though this immaterial reward is virtually priceless, being paid for your hard work is certainly an essential means of recognition that guarantees the survival and growth of your business.

Having expertise means that you can

  • apply critical thinking,
  • evaluate data and options,
  • make decisions,
  • support the success/progress of others,
  • solve problems,
  • be creative, and
  • be inventive.

Expertise and Self Management

Managing yourself means knowing your limitations, your areas of growth and your strong points, your ambitions; and using this knowledge to guide your actions.  You watch your physical and mental health. You are not consumed by self-doubt nor think that you are inadequate.  You give yourself a chance to gain due recognition by sharing your valuable expertise. By delivering helpful services or products and also consistently acting in a humane and ethical manner, you eventually earn the appreciation of your customers and build a thriving business.

On the other hand, you are not overconfident either. Milestones in your career may make you feel self-assured, but you make steady efforts in order to continue to offer valuable and relevant expertise and achieve new career milestones. So you push yourself to broaden your knowledge and keep track of the latest developments in your field. You know that you need to be flexible, open, and willing to change in order to survive in an evolving business environment. Being an expert is a natural process which builds in potential over time. Your expertise is valuable. It’s unique. Know that and own that!

Are you facing any difficulty in effectively using your expertise for achieving business growth? Do you want support in becoming an expert-preneur? Discuss this with me at

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Magnificent Minded Studios collaborates with individuals and organizations to optimize wellness and cultivate a culture of intentional inclusion, equity, and diversity. Carol Soares, RSW

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