Your Magnificent Life Unlimited Share Your Thoughts


Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

Think More About Your Brain Fat Not Waist Fat

July 22, 2012 - Mind Health Nutrition

If more people were aware of this, would they be as concerned about a “brain diet” as many are about the latest “fad weight-loss diet”? My guess is that the answer would be “no”.

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Fear Is Simply a State of Mind

July 17, 2012 - Mental Mind Health, Mind Health for Leaders

Rather than try new things that could contribute to our personal growth and development, we (often unconsciously) adopt a safe, comfortable approach to life that is loaded with self-imposed limitations. I talked more about self-imposed limitations in this previous post.

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Do You Know Your True Potential? You Should!

July 16, 2012 - Bold and Brilliant Blog, Mind Health Success

Your potential sphere is your personal magnificent greatness design comprised of a number of different aspects and attributes specific to you. It includes your inner vision, qualities of greatness, strengths, skills and resources, mindset, values, passions, and patterns of behaviour.

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Visualize or Create Your Mind Health Haven

July 10, 2012 - Mind Health Success

Establishing a mind health haven – an exclusive oasis that can be visited regularly either physically or virtually- is essentials for Magnificent Minded success.

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Ignite Your Mind with Delicious Dreams

July 8, 2012 - Mind Health Success

Dreams are not necessarily lofty, poorly conceived wishes on distant stars. They are the grand visions for our unlimited potential. They create a spark that ignites your mind.

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Are Your Limitations Self-Imposed?

July 6, 2012 - Magnificence

“Most people are not really free.  They are confined by the niche in the world that they carve out for themselves.   They limit themselves to fewer possibilities by the narrowness of their vision.” ~ Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul It is important to understand what you have…

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Is Vitality Missing From Your Magnificent Mind Health?

July 2, 2012 - Magnificence

Vitality is a word which has been used to describe the energy of life. The vitality of each of us is derived from a variety of energy sources and thrives on such things as peace, joy, love, and gratitude. There are four areas where you have vitality: physical, spiritual, mental and emotional.

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Learn and Leap to Magnificent Heights

June 29, 2012 - Magnificence, Mind Health Success

On the path to optimum magnificent mind capacity it is essential that you engage in a purposeful practice of continuous discovery. This means that your mind is open to new ideas and acquiring greater knowledge.

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What You Believe in Your Mind, You Can Be Inspired By

June 26, 2012 - Mind Health Success

The only thing in the world over which you have complete control is the content of your mind – the compass for your activity.

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How Strong Will Your Tap Root Be?

June 24, 2012 - Mind Health Success

The life that you are experiencing stems from the strength of your “tap root”. If it is fragile, weak, and undernourished, growth will be stunted.

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Magnificent Minded Studios collaborates with individuals and organizations to optimize wellness and cultivate a culture of intentional inclusion, equity, and diversity. Carol Soares, RSW

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