“Vitality shows in not only the ability to persist but the ability to start over.”
~F. Scott Fitzgerald
Vitality is vigor of the mind and body. It is an essential ingredient for women who are faced with the sometimes delicate balance of life with entrepreneurship and a family. Women entrepreneurs need vitality to thrive in the business world which benefits from your ability to interact with authenticity, competency and quality. Imagine the experiences you can enjoy to hen you have a mind that is clear, filled of energy and oozing with optimism. That’s my goal. I hope it becomes yours as well.
Examples of women who have vitality in their life as women entrepreneurs are Christa Jean, Founder of Petite Fashionista and Shine Sister; Karin Witzig Rozell, founder of the Wellness Professional Network; and Traci Bisson, founder of The Mom Entrepreneur. These women in business refer to a shared belief that taking care of your body and mind increases responsible action-taking, and the ability to be more focused, energized, confident and productive. Focusing on health and wellness is helping them realize their success. Our goal as mompreneurs is to not only meet our own needs but offer our maximum potential to our families as well. Vitality makes it possible for us to create balance in career/business and in supporting our households.
What about you? Do you lack vitality in your life as a mompreneur? Here are eight VITALITY tips to replenish the vigor you once had:
- V-isit a new environment. The environment can influence your mind. Sometimes, all you need is a set of fresh new stimuli to re-energize your system and open you to new opportunities.
- I- dentify the stressors. Once you’ve done this, try to eliminate them, if not, stay away from them. If avoidance is impossible, try to change the way you perceive the stressor. You have the power to influence the perceptions that exist in your mind.
- T- imeout/relax. Part of stress management is to pause for a while, just breathe deeply and relax. Get a massage, go to a spa or take a vacation and be an individual or mom for a while with a break from being a mompreneur.
- A-wareness. Feed your mind with knowledge. Know what is going on around you and this will help you create new purpose and meaning in your life.
- L- imit unhealthy foods in your diet. Nutrients significantly contribute to how you feel and the amount of energy reserves you have.
- I- nclude exercise in your daily routines. Exercise will release positive hormones and boost mood and energy levels.
- T- ake a walk down memory lane. Look back to the first time you decided to be a mompreneur. Feel the enthusiasm again and restart your system.
- Y- ou focus on you. Find time at least once a day to do something you loved doing when perhaps you had less priorities. Make sure you choose something healthy. How about going for a jog? Do it. Go window-shopping alone or take pictures of yourself.
These tips can re-energize you and magnify how you feel. Take care of your body and mind and you will find that vitality you are looking for once again. Today is a new day! It’s never too late to adopt a brand new vitality vision and integrate practices that make it all possible.
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