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Think More About Your Brain Fat Not Waist Fat

July 22, 2012 - Mind Health Nutrition - , ,

Were you aware that the human brain is almost 60 percent fat? I know that I was shocked when I learned this. It wasn’t that I had other assumptions about its composition, but for some reason it seemed a bit hard to believe given the complexity of this organ.

What I’ve also come to understand is that the fats we consume have a profound effect on the brain’s structure and functioning. If more people were aware of this, would they be as concerned about a “brain diet” as many are about the latest “fad weight-loss diet”? My guess is that the answer would be “no”. As a society, we are more focused on our outward appearances and often hold our internal, long-term wellness as a secondary consideration.

“The wrong fats and oils can present tremendous problems for the brain. But the right balance of the right fats and oils may be one of the most powerful ways to keep the brain functioning at peak efficiency.”  (Brain Building Nutrition)

According to the author, Michael A. Schmidt, this one nutritional factor can build your brain but the fatty acids required cannot be produced by our own bodies.  He refers to certain signs and symptoms commonly found in individuals who are fatty acid deficient. For example, those with dry skin and eyes, fatigue, irritability, poor memory, and difficulty with attention or focus could be lacking in fatty acids. In his book, he shares a case example of a woman who experienced unpredictable anger outbursts, spaciness, and difficulty with concentration. Andrea and her family went to see a doctor who was a “master at finding the hidden story behind an illness”. He recognized other seemingly unrelated symptoms (such as skin conditions) which guided his investigation and identification of an omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. He reported that her skin condition improved within two weeks and her unpredictable outbursts ended.

It is important to note that this case is not representative of every situation. We are unique and when issues arise, there are so many facets to each person’s functioning that must be explored. What is worth noting, is that nutrition is proving to be a vital element in the quality of our lives. Some of us may not be able to relate to Andrea’s story, however when you consider the research supporting what makes a brain well and the potential for diminished performance, it seems like such an easy decision in favor of a mind health lifestyle. So the next time you think about what you are eating to fit into that dress for the upcoming wedding, reframe your thought process and think about feeding your maximum capacity to live at your fullest!




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