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Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.

What You Believe in Your Mind, You Can Be Inspired By

June 26, 2012 - Mind Health Success - ,

What psychologists call a “sense of control” or more specifically an internal locus of control can be the starting place for happiness and high achievement. The only thing in the world over which you have complete control is the content of your mind – the compass for your activity. If you decide to exert that control, even when you are surrounded by adversity, your future potential will be unlimited. When you believe that you have the power to influence your destiny, then that conviction will motivate you to employ purposeful strategies working in alliance with the external forces of life. You are empowered to shape both the route and successful arrival at your destination.

Start first with a belief in yourself as a person and a belief in your ability to excel in whatever you set your intention and daily practices towards. A genuine belief emerges when you are self-assured. It is an inner radiance that will outshine even the brightest barrier. Your belief will also bring faith needed when you encounter potential missiles in the form of doubt, fear, and impatience.


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Magnificent Minded Studios collaborates with individuals and organizations to optimize wellness and cultivate a culture of intentional inclusion, equity, and diversity. Carol Soares, RSW

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