If you hesitate to expose your work and reveal your individuality, you won’t be able to reach your true potential and achieve growth.
A Matter of Practice
When you are willing to be seen, you gain essential experience and open the door to tremendous possibility. Others know that you are available and that they can reach out to you to benefit from your gifts. It is largely a matter of practice. Therefore, it is important for you to manage your fear and anxiety, which may be constructive in some regards, but only up to a point for those who are truly purpose-driven. Even people who are quite accustomed to exposing themselves in public, admit they never manage to control these emotions entirely.
Your Chance to Shine
So how can you get over your insecurity and fears? Consider a speaking event as an occasion on which your individuality is embraced and celebrated. It is your chance to shine, not to shun attention. Others can gain a lot more than you think. Just let them know what you can do for them and how you are there to serve from your most authentic place. Regard and treat your audience members as equal peers; at the same time, acknowledge that you are one of a kind and have magnificent gifts to share, even though you are not perfect. Over time, you will surely improve at presenting yourself; this also helps you become more self-assured. Your willingness to be seen means that you are open to building relationships of trust; it is easier for others to understand the value you can bring to their lives; and this is how you become more sought after.
How to Communicate
Nowadays, there are so many avenues to gaining exposure without the need to stand in front of other people to speak. You can take part in a virtual event, such as a pre-recorded interview, where you can offer glimpses of your greatest passions and purpose. If you communicate honestly, you will make a difference. Reflect on what sets you apart, what has shaped your life, and why you’ve set the goals you want to accomplish. Think how these may interest others and positively affect their lives. The same principles apply for written communication in the form of copywriting, which is also a necessary component of online marketing. You should provide content that is relevant to your customers and also make consistent, sound contributions in the form of content.
Show That You Care
It is important to show your customers that you are keen on serving them and that you care about them in order to keep them connected and engaged with you in the long run. Try offering various gifts and share with utmost generosity. As you build your tribe/community, plan to launch email campaigns regularly. You might consider organizing a contest or another similar event, which will maximize engagement and visibility.
Are you still struggling with the word visibility and how this applies to your work? Share your comments. You can also talk about your challenges and get support at http://goo.gl/Dxb5Ei.