When your gifts and talents are aligned with your passion, a series of magnificent transformations will start happening; because, in the end, your passion is your authentic life purpose, and you are meant to do a job that:
- fills your heart with excitement;
- enables you to cultivate your personality;
- contributes to your growth;
- has an impact on the lives of others; and,
- at the end of the day, makes you think: It’s been a day really well-spent.
To find out which vocation is right for you, you can begin to identify what your gifts and talents are. This involves self-exploration: Think about your preferences; consider the experiences you have found particularly interesting and the ones you wish to discover. Then, you start using your gifts and talents: This means redirecting your attention to the external world; don’t hesitate to develop a go-getter attitude; create opportunities for yourself; and don’t be afraid to expose your work to gain visibility- no one is perfect, and especially not the people who may rush to criticize you.
When you work with passion, magical changes start happening bit by bit. Some days, they may seem bigger, other days, smaller, but not insignificant. Progress is ongoing. Every day is unique, so you learn something new by using your skills to carry out purposeful tasks in circumstances that are different, even to a slight degree; sometimes, you may grapple with unexpected difficulties; but your passion drives you to overcome them. The knowledge and experience you gain strengthens your coping mechanisms; over time, you become more efficient at manoeuvring during moments of crisis. You evolve your craft because you have the deep desire to cultivate your talents to excellence; so coming up with new creative ideas and implementing innovative solutions is a necessity for you.
Personal success and a sense of deep fulfillment is often the by-product when you work with passion for a cause that energizes you; when you are striving not only to build a prosperous business but also to trigger changes in the lives of others, which can be enhanced by the enjoyment of your gifts, materialized in services or products; and your example can cause other women to realize that they are capable of initiating their own transformation by developing an actionable plan. The Conscious Content Creation training and action guide is currently being offered to the MMS Community. It guides conscious, purpose-driven women entrepreneurs to share their unique message and resources in a meaningful and effective way. If you would like assistance with your conscious content creation goals, schedule a complimentary session here: http://meetme.so/MagnificentMindedStudios
Question: Are you sharing your content at the highest possible level? Share your experiences below.