As a woman and also possibly an entrepreneur, you are energized by doing activities that come natural to you and by embracing what you love. It’s important to take baby steps in this direction and move towards it on a daily basis, as successful mompreneur Maribel Jimenez advises in her interview for the Powered by Women Summit. According to Maribel, power is an energy source. You have abundant amounts of energy coming from the inside; you emanate as well as contain power. What you need to do is tap into your best self to access the super parts of you.
Maribel shares her New Superwoman vision, according to which, your guiding compass should be taking care of yourself and doing something that you like. You need to be clear about what you want to experience and align yourself with that. This clarity can be achieved if you slow down and think things through. 10 minutes per day is enough for you to feel grounded, focused, and clear about your goals. So incorporate meditation as a daily practice for achieving the clarity you need to cultivate meaningful strategies and honour your vision as a female entrepreneur.
When engaged with work, try to prioritize quality over quantity. You can be more productive by being selective and doing work that genuinely and intrinsically motivates you. Each day, concentrate on 3 powerful activities that can really be profitable. So carefully review your to-do list and make the right choices for managing your business and making steady progress. This is how you can gain momentum without feeling exhaustion; and how you can enjoy a balanced life that also enables you to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner and children.
Above all, you should realize that it is up to you to make the changes that will have a ripple effect in your life. You can keep your power switch turned on by focusing on really meaningful, purpose-driven daily activities. Liberate yourself from the idea that you have to sacrifice your well-being to be a successful mompreneur. It’s an approach that is actually counter-productive. It is only when you are in a sound mental, spiritual, and physical condition and you find enjoyment in your work that you can offer a service or a product that will be of high value to others. So make this shift now to carry out your various daily tasks with exuberant energy and start experiencing transformations in every aspect of your life. To listen to the entire interview, visit