If you are faced with a difficulty, you may begin to consider adopting a fatalistic viewpoint, which can render you powerless. You can learn to define your own life and manage how you interpret experiences by showing strength and resilience.
Okay, so things did not go as planned. Now what?
Sometimes things don’t turn out they way you want. Rather than lamenting over an unfortunate turn of events indefinitely, you could reflect on your options for reaction in the given circumstances; focus on the challenge and growth side of things and work with dedication and realism towards overcoming obstacles set in your way. Do not underestimate your ability to respond to difficult times by using your ability to properly reflect on any difficult situation that has arisen and to use your ingenuity to circumvent a problem. Sometimes, you may choose to refrain from action; you may need to do this to recover and heal before you start your life again. This is perfectly fine, as long as it is what you need in a given period of your life. Your inner voice will dictate you when you need to create breathing space before taking the next step.
You Are Here for a Purpose
Giving up on a goal you have found worth pursuing is often the most comfortable way. Do not forget that you are in this world for a purpose. As a woman, you are a blessed and privileged being. Work towards trusting your judgment and believe that you have a very important role to play; do not be afraid of being the protagonist in your own life. You therefore need to identify with a mission and then stay true to it in order to stay true to yourself; when you are connected with your own truth and your value, you can become a wonderful catalyst for positive change in your life and the life of others.
You Are in Charge
As acclaimed speaker Beate Chelette puts it in her interview for the Powered by Women Summit, it is up to you to believe that you are in charge; you have the power to choose to be in control, no matter what that means. In addition, do your best to recognize that hardships can teach you some great lessons; they can show you how to shape the power skill you need that will take you to the next level. So instead of feeling helpless, try adopting the attitude of a fervent learner and fighter for a meaningful and purposeful life.
For more inspiration and power tips listen to Beate’s full interview as well as others #powerfulwomen http://goo.gl/EzH9FA