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How to Regain Your Personal Power

June 25, 2015 - Powerful Women - , , ,

Do others dictate what you can do and what you can’t do? Then you may have let them have excessive influence over your life; you have allowed them to tell you what you should believe, how you should think and act, and what your goals should be. Tragically, you fall into this trap because of your desire to feel safe in an approving social environment; you may not be realizing that this environment may actually be stunting your development and diminishing your personal power. The goal is to develop consciousness to counteract all the influences that contribute to this way of being.

In her interview with me for the Powered by Women Summit, author Sandra Biskind gives invaluable advice on regaining your personal power: developing consciousness, empathy, intuition, tolerance, and love; because you deserve to be loved, as she stresses.  So you should start loving yourself enough and think you are good enough; you have always been good enough. You need to come to the realization that you are a divine presence and the world needs you. Once you connect with the divinity within yourself, you realize that you are never alone, because you are one with all life. Look after yourself; if you cultivate love, you cultivate who you are. You can achieve what Sandra refers to as a platinum state of mind by developing PEACE, LOVE, AWARENESS, TRUST, INTEGRITY, NEUTRALITY, UNITY, and MINDFULNESS.

Sandra continues sharing her wisdom by revealing 3 fantastic practical tips for regaining your personal freedom:

1. Consciously practice neutral breathing for peace of mind: Breath in deeply and hold your breath; what matters is the space between your breaths, a space that is void of thoughts and emotions; discover the infinite potential in what’s going to happen in the next breath; find this neutral place in order to find peace; this is also a place of power.

2. Ask yourself 4 questions in order to improve your emotional state:

  • What am I feeling?
  • What am I focused on?
  • How do I want to feel?
  • What should I focus on?

This will enable you to develop self-awareness and revive you.

3. Practice meditation for a quiet mind; there are various ways you can do this: walking on the beach, exercising, standing still, doing yoga, listening to inspiring music; Focus on controlling your breath in order to live from a place of power; Sandra underlines that this power comes from within us; women should not forget that they are inherently powerful. They have the power change their lives; they can stop a hurtful situation by having the courage to use their voice.  Regaining your power means that you are more aware, mindful, enlightened, and lead a passionate life with meaning and purpose.

You can listen to the full discussion here: #powerfulwomen

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