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Gifts: What Do They Mean to You?

February 5, 2014 - Bold and Brilliant Blog, Mind Health for Women - , ,

The power word is GIFT.

Gifts Defined

When I think about gifts, what comes to mind are three primary areas that represent the “essence of life”. Gifts (and how you define gifts) is a mindset – it’s how you look at it.

There’s the material things – giving of things with expectations attached to it. Then there’s the experience of being yourself and being of service and all that you bring in exchange with others.  The three primary essences or gifts of life
starts with the gift of self. Having a power source of “you” is at the core of this gift. With that comes self love, messages that are internal and a sense of nurturance – an awareness of self.

I really think that’s key and that’s the foundation for all other extensions of our lives. I think that the gift of self and the awareness of what you bring is so key to how you are existing and being in the world.  It is important and it really speaks to the focus of this magnificent mind focus for women which is the self, relationships and our exchange with the world in terms of career or business.

So I would ask you in terms of that gift of self: How aware are you of yourself? What value do you place on yourself? I really think that at the heart of self is really our spirit. Our spirit is really a vessel that holds our life’s purpose and essential lessons learned from experience as we travel from one stage of our lives to the next. And in relation to our mind, it’s our intuitive knowing of what is good and not good for us. It’s our aspirations, it represents our dreams, and our realizations. Sometimes it might be that sense of guilt or regret and it’s our vessel for our capacity to be inspired and find optimism beyond certain negative thoughts and beliefs. It represents our appreciation of joyful moments that is nurtured as we continue to interact with others and our environment.

Our spirit is in tune with what we express through our body and through that mind that really drives all that we do. So whatever environmental stimulus effects the body and the mind, our spirit often then takes that experience and tries to find meaning and healing (if necessary) from it. And it all comes down to that awareness of self. That’s the gift of self.

The second gift of life is the gift of our relationships. The power source is “love” and it’s demonstrated by what we bring to others in our lives. Our relationships will include our family, friends, close contacts and so on. What we consider to be the gifts of our relationships is demonstrated in the way that we view other people. It might be affected by certain blocks or past injuries that we may have.  The gift of our relationships is something that again is affected by our perception of and the value that we place on the people that we are in exchange with and interact with on a regular basis.

The third one I tend to refer to is the gift of service and by that I am referring to the power source of magnificent “unity”. I can remember being at a conference when Barbara De Angelis stated that we all are part of a cosmic organization “making deliveries of the gifts that come through us to others every day”. Think about the blessings that you offer the world and when you consider this outlook, it really emphasizes the power that each one of us holds in terms of our service. Our gifts to others is in the form of a mission and for some people ,where their careers are concerned, it’s about how am I bringing the best of myself to a role that maybe is not as responsive or doesn’t necessarily recognize me in the way that I would like them to? How can I bring the deepest part of my gifts to that experience and make it a valuable one for both myself and for those that I’m in contact with?

The way we view gifts comes down to mindset and perception. I’d be curious to hear more about how you define gifts. Do you think that we are still so inclined to defining gifts on a material basis and with what we can get as opposed to what we are here to share and exchange and both receive and give in our environment?

I think that could transform so many things that we enjoy in life and it really can make all the difference between feeling overburdened, feeling unappreciated to valuing ourselves, to valuing those that are closest to us and our influence and valuing of our opportunity to be of greater service to the world that we live in.
I would love to hear more about how you are transforming your view of gifts, whether or not it could be harmful, how it might be helpful, etc. What have been the true gifts that have left such an impact in your life and what’s your mission to continue to exchange that with others as well?

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